5-minute wake-up workout -Exercise
The NHS site gives a wonderful easy workout to keep you flexible. With all this time on our hands, this is a good time to
The NHS site gives a wonderful easy workout to keep you flexible. With all this time on our hands, this is a good time to
Dealing with stress Ideas for managing stress Become knowledgeable about stress Identify your major sources of stress. Anticipate stressful periods and plan for them. Develop
The goal of this exercise is to increase awareness of what really matters to you in the life domain that you believe needs the most
Introduction Taken a moment when you are caught in the busyness of the day can make a huge difference, try this simple exercise. For many
Ten tips for finding happiness Copy each heading and fill in below each one what’s unique for you. “Example Actively pursue goals” I will commit
Eye Movement Therapy (EMDR) for Depression I asked Trevor Beech will EMDR help with depression and anxiety? I have used EMDR for depression and anxiety
What is the Amygdala Location: Part of Limbic System, at the end of the hippocampus Function: Responsible for the response and memory of emotions, especially fear
Question Can EMDR help fibromyalgia? Answer: Research indicates that having adverse childhood events or traumatic memories may be related to the ensuing of Fibromyalgia. Regarding
Trevor recently completed additional training in the treatment of Fibromyalgia and offers this service in Dorchester and Bournemouth Recent studies have shown beneficial results in
Set Goals that Motivate You. When you set goals for yourself, it is important that they motivate you: this means making sure that they are